Our Services

What I offer

Drop-In Visits

Vacations are a stressful time, why not let me take some of the burden and make in-home visits for your pets, after all they are most comfortable in their own domain! Drop-In Visits can last up to 30 minutes, this can include feedings, medicine, and bathroom breaks.

Extended Visits

These are any visits that fall outside of the 30-minute window of a drop-in visit. These are usually billed by the hour and offer the same services as Drop-In Visits just with extra time for love, attention and play time.

***NEW*** Overnight Stays

Need someone to stay the night with your pet? Now, depending on dates I am able to stay overnight with your pet. Please email or text me for this service, online booking will not be allowed for this type of appointment.

Dog Walking

Dog walking can be such a chore, especially when your busy! Don't feel bad about not having time, just hire me to do it for you! This service is for 30-minutes and allows for exercise, play & explore time, and bathroom breaks!

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”

— Anatole France